Tuesday, February 16, 2010

tri 2 week 9 & 10

The etching process and some finished etchings.

Carving a linoleum block for a reduction print and the first layer of a print.

Cutting contact paper for silkscreen printing and the first and second layers of some prints.

A student inspired to do a feather painting by an e-mail from my Aunt Carol.

Working on sanding down a bisque fired piece.

Sculpture class working on glazing vases and sculptures.

A bulldog that is finally complete!

Beginning sculpture students learn how to throw on the wheel.

Monday, February 1, 2010

tri 2 week 8

"A man paints with his brains and not with his hands."


County wide art club at the NCCA was Tuesday. We learned how to create a batik. The first step is to wax your design on a piece of muslin.

Then you paint die in between the waxed areas.

The last step is to iron the wax out of the muslin for a finished product.

Sophomore students visit the Career Tech. Center this week. Mrs. Kuebler went along to check out the graphic design program. Students were able to work on the computer using Photoshop, Illustrator, and Indesign. Students were also shown how to silkscreen and were shown how a printing press works.

An Advanced scultpure structure in progress.

The Scholastic Art Awards reception and awards ceremony was this weekend. Three GHS students had winning pieces. The top two will go on to the National Competition in New York City.