Wednesday, January 26, 2011

January 2011

Mr. Schneider has joined our class. He is a student teacher from Kendall College and will be with us for the rest of the year.

Fundamentals has been working on their drawing skills. Here they are practicing contour line. They are working on this drawing upside down to try to get the right side of their brain to kick in.

In Sculpture students worked on making slab vases with an inlay design. Here they are cutting and carving their slab pieces.

These are their vases finished and ready to bisque fire.
Students also worked on glazing their draped pots this month. They worked with some new glaze techniques; sgraffito, layered detail and watercolor.

Below are the finished products.

Sculpture students also finished their junk sculptures this month. Below are a few finished products.

Advanced students worked on building clay teapots this month. Next month you will see the completed pieces.

Advanced sculpture 3 students are working on independent projects. Jake Becker is creating a styrofoam sculpture. It helps to have a shop vac in class during this process.

Art Club met for the last time right before Christmas break.