Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February 2012

We have started a new semester which includes Fundamentals of Art, Drawing & Design 1,2,3 & 4, and Scupture & Ceramics 1,2, & 3.
Art Club ended in February. The 9th and 10th grade art club finished up paper bead jewelry and then made pop up cards.

Funda mentals of Art learned how to draw 3-D forms and shade them and then created mini environments around them.

Drawing practiced using 6 different media: pencil, charcoal, colored pencil, oil pastels, chalk pastels and pen and ink. Each day was a new object in a new media.
Then they began their first project using pencil. They created a composition using shoes, skulls, hands or stuffed animals. They are working on completing them in full value and texture.

Sculpture started the semester creating junk sculptures.

They also created paddle pinch pots and then smoke fired them out in the front of the school in trash cans!